
Sunday, 17 March 2019

Dealing with GOOD and Evil #LagosCollapseBuilding

A man from the collapsed building in Lagos, had 3 kids in the whole incident. The building was where the kids and many others went to school. He couldn’t afford the funds  for their academics, but on the day when the building collapsed was when he happened to foot the bill and lost the kids later in the day!
Francis Chan made an analogy of life saying, imagine life was this long rope, and this painted part (which was like a few inches) was your life right now and the rest of the rope (which was really long)  was eternity. Sometimes we get too focused on the little part and we forget about eternity, where we will live forever.

Nothing prepares you for all you face in the little part of life on earth! Exactly what every parent faced when the building collapsed on those children is what Job faced in the Bible  (Job 1-2). No one likes to imagine what happened to Job will happen to them.
Here is my philosophy of life. GOD has our lives in HIS hands, and whatever happens in this period of time on earth, will be short-lived. It can be hard though, but we should not be carried away about the good and bad happening in our world! This is not how HE designed it, but HE is coming back to perfect it, in the mean time, there is a story HE is writing with our lives, we have to make a choice to obey, let go and trust GOD with everything that’s happening or treat life so much attention and forget its not just about now but eternity!
 "Another in the Fire" by Hillsong just dropped a  3 days ago, talks about trusting GOD come what may! The part that stuck to me is… 
***And should I ever need reminding
How good You’ve been to me
I’ll count the joy come every battle
Cause I know that’s where You’ll be***
GOD is the author of good and evil, every good story has good and evil in it, just check back on your best movies or books, the greatest ones always have the good, bad and ugly in it… GOD is writing a story with our lives we need to trust HIM with every scene!
I form light and create darkness;
I make well-being and create calamity;
I am the Lord, who does all these things. Isaiah 45:7
Prayer Point: Help me Trust YOU LORD come what may, IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”  Revelation 1:8

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